DIY Lace earrings frame

Once you have created many beautiful earrings, you will soon realize that they look great together and probably will end up with this conclusion: it would be nice to display them on a frame on my wall!

This is the reason why I wanted to make this DIY. You will see, it is very quick and simple to do,
and I can never get enough of looking at it every morning to choose which earrings will match my outfit.

Supplies needed

  • a wooden frame (the glass is not needed)
    • mine is from IKEA, dimensions are 24cm x 30cm, 
    •  but you can use any size / color or finish
  • fine grain sandpaper if you want to add a little “vintage” touch to your frame
  • some lace 
    • I bought mine in Sham Shui Po. It is a white fine lace from Korea. You can find many kinds of lace in some small shops in Nam Cheong Street, Sham Shui Po. Lace is sold by the yard. Then, you just need to find one with the right width to match your frame. Mine is 23cm wide for a frame of 24cm wide. Of course it can be wider as well, you will just need to cut it and make a small hem.
    • but you can also use any kind / color of lace you fancy!
  • a staple tacker 

DIY Steps

1. Frame preparation (if you want to give it a vintage look)

Prepare the frame using the fine grain sand paper to give it an “old” look by rubbing it in some areas like corners, edges. Try to be as irregular as possible to keep a natural look. 

Be nice! Do not rub too hard as you would remove all the paint and not be able to undo it. It is better to do it progressively to achieve the result you like.

Prepare the frame with sanding paper

2. Lace installation on the frame

Cut your lace according to your frame height + 2 cm to make a hem.

Cut your lace

Depending on the type of lace you are using you can even skip the hem. That is the case of the lace I have used. As long as it is hidden behind the frame, it will look fine.

If you choose to make a hem, you can either sew it first or maintain it in place directly with the staples, in that case you will have to hold the hem when stapling. Be careful with your fingers!

Make a hem on the lace edges

Once the lace is ready, you can prepare the frame by making use of the existing metal tabs (if they exist on your frame). Open them and install the lace through the tabs. You can then fold them against the frame.

staple lace around the back of the frame

Then you just have to staple the lace all around your frame using a staple tacker to fix firmly the lace on the frame.

3. Earrings display

Here you go for the best part! You can now hang your earrings through the lace and display them as you love!

My frame is just standing on a piece of furniture and against a wall.  But you can of course hang your frame to a wall if your frame is designed for it or you can always glue a hook at the back of the frame if you like.

Hang your precious earrings on the lace

Please show me your creations, I would be delighted to see them.

Happy crafting everyone!

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