As I am back to France for a few days, I came with a handful of gifts for my bestie’s baby boy.
You have already seen my foldable changing mat DIY post, this one is an easier one: a super soft baby blanket made of colourful fabric squares, perfect gift for the winter season!


Supplies needed:

  • 3 to 4 fat quarters of colourful cottons – I bought mine in Sham Shui Po and Dailylike, I love mixing different type of prints: floral, geometrical… this is a great opportunity also to use your fabric leftovers!
  • a yard of very soft minky fabric – bought at a Sham Shui Po fabric market stall
  • your sewing machine and thread


DIY steps:

1. Prepare your colourful squares

  • Cut in your fat quarters squares of 13cm x 13cm to obtain 8×6 squares.

super soft baby blanket fabric squares cut


Then, place them as you like => there is no rule here, only imagination!


2. Sew you squares together

To do so, I have used a piece of tape to link one row of 6 squares – the purpose is just to keep the right order of the squares.

Then, take the first 2 squares and place them face to face. Make a seam at 5mm from the edge.

Repeat the operation between the second and third squares.

Etc until you reach the 6th square.

You now have one complete row.

Repeat this with the 7 remaining rows.

Finally repeat the same operation between each row.

You obtain the external face of your blanket.


SUPER SOFT baby blanket fabric squares assembled


3. Add the minky fabric

You are almost done.

Cut your minky fabric to the same dimension as you external face made of fabric squares assembled.

Place the back of the minky and the back of the squares against each other and pin them together.

Sew them together with a seam at 1cm from the edge and leaving a 15cm opening without sewing.

This opening allows you to turn your work inside out.

To close the opening, use the invisible stitch.

super soft and easy to do minky and fabric square blanket

 That’s all! You can also add some embroidery to personalise your gift.

If you have other personalisation ways, please let me know below.

If you would like to prepare other easy baby sewing gifts, you can have a look at my baby bibs DIY.
NEW: as I have realised preparing my gifts tonight, a beautiful gift tag is an important final touch on a handmade gift. So I have prepared for you below a free printable gift tag to go with your nice blanket gift in two colours. You can also download it from my printables page.

oh baby it's cold outside gift tag free printable

And just for the fun, a christmassy Glee video that inspired this gift tag.


Happy sewing everyone!


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