DIY Miyuki mini summer fruitsDiscover these easy and quick to make mini summer fruits in brick stitch.  They are ideal for beginners and experts alike. I have been inspired by the recent patterns proposed by the talented creative @teaforyoubijoux on Instagram which are very cute small characters from a mobile phone game. The small size of the weaving make them very easy to do. I played with these bright colours to make this designs as joyful as possible. As you know, I also like to find a purpose to my creations so I will show you here how to turn them into simple stud earrings.

Supplies neededDIY Miyuki mini summer fruits supplies

If you are new at Miyuki delica bead weaving, discover my comprehensive guide for materials and tools.

Grid mini summer fruits

DIY steps

1. Bead weaving in brick stitch

The patterns shown above are easily done using the main techniques in brick stitch:

  • Decrease at the beginning of the row
  • Increase at the beginning of the row
  • Increase at the end of the row.

I will not detail all the techniques in this post as they are all explained in detail in my previous post about the bases of brick stitch here.

Strawberry blue brick stitch
Blue strawberry in brick stitch
Pinapple pink brick stitch
Pink pineapple in brick stitch

2. Assembly

Once you have prepared your beadworks, just put a fair amount of glue on the flat circle of the stud earrings and place the beadwork on it.

Make sure it is well centred and leave it to dry for 2 hours.

Finished stud earrings summer fruits

You can now enjoy wearing your creations. Do note hesitate to play with the colours to match your summer style!

Finished stud earrings summer fruits worn

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

Happy beading!

Finished stud earrings summer fruits worn

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  1. Le choux décalé des teintes rend les creas délicieusement kawaï . J’adore.

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